Collegium Helveticum

Nikolaos Zagklas
Senior Fellow 2023–2024

Byzantine studies
Fellowship duration
September 01, 2023–December 31, 2023
Academic or artistic job title
Assistant Professor of Byzantine Studies
Home institution

University of Vienna, AT


Institutional website
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Nikos Zagklas (born 1984 in Patras, Greece) is a medieval cultural historian with an expertise in the fields of Greek (or Byzantine) literary tradition and a focus on the Eastern Mediterranean. His research activity lies at the intersection of traditional philology and literary interpretation with a special interest in issues of patronage, poetry, and genre theory. A further focus is the study of the original manuscripts (or other kinds of artifacts) which transmit literary works. His work thus bridges the study between immaterial and material heritage. His recent publications include Theodoros Prodromos: Miscellaneous Poems. An Edition and Literary Study (Oxford University Press, 2023).

After completing his undergraduate training in Classics, Byzantine, and Modern Greek Studies at the University of Patrasin Greece, Nikos pursued his postgraduate studies at the University of Oxford (MSt) and then the University of Vienna (PhD). His postdoctoral scholarly work and activity has been carried out at various institutes in Europe and the United States. He is currently assistant professor of byzantine studies at the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies at the University of Vienna.