The fellowship program at the Collegium is open to academics and artists of all backgrounds and disciplines. This diversity of perspectives and experiences is fundamental to the fellowship community, making the Collegium a vibrant place for exchange and engagement between various disciplines and audiences.

Early-career & senior fellows 2024–2025
Early-career fellows are postdoctoral researchers or art school graduates at an equivalent stage in their career who are employed full-time for ten months by the Collegium to pursue the projects they proposed in their application. Senior fellows are established artists or academics who work at the Collegium during a visiting fellowship at ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich, or the Zurich University of the Arts. A fellowship year runs from September 1 to June 30.

Senior Fellow

Bronte Alexander
Early-Career Fellow

Grace Ballor
Senior Fellow

Moran Bercovici
Senior Fellow

Denise Bertschi
Early-Career Fellow

Audrey Bowden
Senior Fellow

Ettore Camerlenghi
Early-Career Fellow

Viktoria Cologna
Early-Career Fellow

Louis-Philippe Dalembert
Senior Fellow

Anna Magdalena Elsner
Senior Fellow

Reto Geiser
Senior Fellow

Gina Gibson
Senior Fellow

Ignacio E. Grossmann
Guest of Director

Nikou Hamzehpour
Senior Fellow

Naomi Clara Hanakata
Senior Fellow

Danny van der Haven
Early-Career Fellow

Bjørn Hofmann
Senior Fellow

Jill Johnson
Senior Fellow

Tülin Kaman
Senior Fellow

Anna Luhovska
Early-Career Fellow

Charlotte Müller
Early-Career Fellow

Matthias Neubert
Senior Fellow

Jakob Ohme
Senior Fellow

Robert Pringle
Senior Fellow

Jean Souviron
Early-Career Fellow

Francesco Sovrano
Early-Career Fellow

Mahdi Taiebat
Senior Fellow

Corina Tarnita
Senior Fellow

Konstantinos Vogiatzis
Senior Fellow

Pujo Semedi
Senior Fellow
Associate fellows 2024–2025
Associate fellows act as academic partners for both early-career and senior fellows at one of the three supporting universities. As local faculty members, they support the fellowship application, help the international fellows establish contacts in Zurich, and often provide access to additional infrastructure at their institution.

Andrew deMello

Frank Schimmelfennig

Annuska Derks

Philip Ursprung

Anselm Franke

Damien Farine

David Kammer
Mike Schäfer

Bärbel Küster

Martina Rau

Laurent Stalder

Alberto Bacchelli

Daniel Razansky

Lucio Isa

Andreas Kilcher

Sandro Zanetti

Björn Penning

Gonzalo Guillén Gosálbez

Sebastian Dötterl

Milica Topalović

Roberto Andorno

Jason Beechey

Frank Esser

Janneke Hille Ris Lambers

Renato Pajarola

Markus Reiher

Gino Isidori

Ioannis Anastasopoulos

Sebastian Bonhoeffer
Previous fellowship years
While new fellow cohorts emerge with each fellowship year, the Collegium is a growing community of fellows. The resulting international network with diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and disciplines brings tangible benefits to the fellows and the local academic ecosystem.