Collegium Helveticum

Visual Aspects of Political Communication and Digital Platforms


Venue & accessibility info: Rudolf Wolf Room, Collegium Helveticum

The workshop is followed by a small reception.

In the current milieu of political discourse, digital platforms have fundamentally altered the modalities of political communication, thereby influencing the construction, perception, and dissemination of political messages. Visual content on platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok has increasingly become central to political messaging, significantly impacting public opinion and electoral behaviors. 

The workshop is designed as a two-part event, spanning two half-days and blending presentations with panel discussions to foster a dynamic interdisciplinary forum focused on exploring the evolving challenges and opportunities within this field. The workshop will include scholars from multiple fields, such as political science, communication science, and computational social sciences,  who will outline the current landscape and the importance of visual political communication in contemporary political spheres. 

November 26


Opening & welcome remarks

Sebastian Bonhoeffer 
Collegium Helveticum 


Visual Velocity
Politics in the Age of Video News

Franziska Marquart 
University of Copenhagen, DK  


Theoretical Approaches to Visual News Content
Session 1

Discussion on current and emerging innovative theoretical frameworks that can effectively support the study of how visual elements impact political communication.

Challenges and Opportunities of Visually Conveying Journalistic News Standards on Social Media

Anna-Theresa Mayer
Weizenbaum Institute, DE

Visual Politics: Proximity, Paradox, and the Illusion of Engagement

Jakob Ohme
Collegium Helveticum & University of Zurich, CH


Coffee break 


Gathering and Analyzing Visual Platform Data
Session 2

Exploration and development of strategies to overcome the challenges associated with accessing and analyzing extensive visual data across various digital platforms.

Longitudinal Digital Trace Data and Sequence Modeling to Enhance Visual Trace Data Analysis

Yangliu Fan 
Weizenbaum Institute, DE

Automated Content Classification of TikTok Videos
Challenges and Solutions

Lion Wedel 
University of Zurich, CH


Closing remarks

November 27


Empirical Insights to Visual Platform Communication
Session 3

Gathering insights into novel methodological approaches, including multimodal classification techniques, to advance the analysis of multimodal content, with a particular emphasis on visual and video data.

Climate Change Denial Images from Telegram, X, and Reddit

Kilian Buehling
Freie Universität Berlin, DE 

Meg Jing Zeng
University of Zurich, CH

Hard Visual Propaganda 

Karsten Donnay
University of Zurich, CH

Are Individual Pathways of Engagement with Political Content on TikTok a Supply or Demand Issue?

Felix Gaisbauer 
Weizenbaum Institute, DE 


Coffee break


The Power of Visual Communication

Denise Bertschi
Collegium Helveticum, CH  

Ana Godinho 

Cara Specker
Bilanz Magazin, CH 


Closing remarks

Jakob Ohme
Collegium Helveticum /University of Zurich, CH

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