Collegium Helveticum

Docu & Demo
Condensed Knowledge Formats


Venue & accessibility info: Rudolf Wolf Room, Collegium Helveticum

This is a public event. Participation is free of charge and registration is not required.

The workshop participants and the organizer, Inge Hinterwaldner, will present a total of six input statements about the pro and cons of established and new formats of how to condense knowledge. Starting from practices, projects, and experiences of the invited scholars, it will be discussed what supports a wealth of future research and enjoyment in our digital world? The digital realm is ubiquitous and lossy at the same time. What is the temporal horizon scholars act in? In which cases do we see the necessity to not only analyze and theorize, but also document and demonstrate the artifacts we study?


  • Michael Hagner (ETH Zurich)
  • Lozana Rossenova (Open Science Lab, TIB)
  • Nicole Savoy (Bern University of the Arts & Rhizome)
  • Anke te Heesen (HU Berlin & Collegium Helveticum)
  • Sarine WaltenspĂĽl (University of Lucerne)
  • Mario Schulze (University of Basel)
  • Moritz Greiner-Petter (University of Lucerne)

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