The event program at the Collegium engages different audiences around topics of societal and scholarly importance. As part of their fellowship, each fellow organizes an event that is open to the public. In addition, the Collegium hosts events that link up with current interdisciplinary academic discussions.
Upcoming events

Contemplating (Dis)Comfort in Humanitarian Spaces

Interfacial Aesthetics From Earth to Space

The Art and Science of Liquid Interfaces

Ministry for the Future Episode 2: Extinction

Bodies in Science The Role of Human Bodies in Learning Abstract Scientific Concepts

Between Proximity and Distance Self-Chosen Death in Documentary Film

Endings and Meanings Existential Suffering in the 21st Century
Ministry for the Future Episode 3: Nomadism

Ministry for the Future Episode 4: Foundation
Ludwik Fleck Lecture

From 2005 to 2022, the Collegium was home to a research center on the life and work of Ludwik Fleck, a microbiologist and pioneering philosopher of science. The annual Ludwik Fleck Lecture invites outstanding speakers to honor the thinking of Ludwik Fleck, who continues to be an essential reference for cross-disciplinary research at the Collegium. Since 2006, the Ludwik Fleck Lecture has been delivered by renowned speakers, notably Carlo Ginzburg, Michael Gordin, Bruno Latour, Annemarie Mol, and Christian Drosten.
Past events

Ministry for the Future Episode 1: Geoengineering

Sharing with the Devil The Story of Appropriation in an Indonesian Coffee Plantation, 1830s–2000s

Navigating Generative AI in Education Risks, Rewards, and the Role of Explainability

Uncertainties in Climate and Weather Predictions From Modeling to Visualization

Challenging Dichotomies in the Cultural and Social Aspects of Development Cooperation MAS Student Conference

Decoding Zurich’s Art Scene Unraveling Institutional Impact on Artistic Career Development

Terrestrial Ecosystems at Risk Exploring the Critical Nexus of Land Use and Climate Change

Visual Aspects of Political Communication and Digital Platforms

Quantifying the Impact of Microbiome Dynamics on Antimicrobial Resistance

Can We Dissociate the Work from the Author? A Conversation with Gisèle Sapiro

Repair, Prepare The Transformative Potential of the Arts and the Operationality of their Temporality

Manipulating Microbiomes Microbiota-based Interventions for Pathogen Control

Lange Nacht der Museen Zurich’s Long Night of Museums

O Encontro das Partes Partidas The Encounter of Broken Parts

The Observatory Remnants of Explorations on Lost, Marginal, and Possible Realities

Walking Festival of Sound

Grete Steffin und Brecht und Du A VR production

Movement Analytics in the Era of Big Data and Open Science

IMAMOU In the Beginning There Was Water

Integrating Science, Physiotherapists, and Robots in Rehabilitation

Radio-Activities Architecture and Broadcasting in Cold War Berlin

Generative AI, Social Media, and the Super-Election Year of 2024

Planetary Health It Takes More Than a Village to Find a Solution

Continuity and Change Reflecting on over a Decade of Platform-Mediated Gig Work

Affective Dimensions of Urban Places

Inclusive Cities New Methods to Understand Informal Infrastructure Access

Urban Lighting Realities 4D Virtual Settlements from Cape Town to Sarajevo

The Past and Future of Global Tax Justice

A Virologist’s Look Back on COVID-19 Ludwik Fleck Lecture by Christian Drosten

The Curriculum Vitae Recording, Constructing, and Evaluating Authorship

Drivers of Ethical Consumption in Switzerland and Japan

Ghostly Currency The Afterlife of Celebrity

Acapulco Working in Progress or First Cut

The Role of Culture in the Exploration of Post-Trauma Suffering

La Zattera (the Raft) A Performative Archive of Forgotten Memories, Marginal Realities, and Lost Futures of Modern Rome

Real-Life Impacts of Security Vulnerabilities

Developing Effective Climate Policy

Politics in Proximity On Inequality and Local Governance

Climate Crisis and the Humanities With Nayanika Mathur

Digital Money and Digital Futures for Value Exchange

Can We Be Smarter than the Phytoplankton? A Perspective on the Global Climate and Sustainability

Ukrainian Chamber Music An Autobiography

Docu & Demo Archiving Programmed Media Art

Accelerating Replacement Toward Animal-free Science Research at Swiss Universities

Docu & Demo Condensed Knowledge Formats

In Between Performance and Documentation By Dragan Espenschied

The Global Tax Evasion Report 2024 Panel discussion with Gabriel Zucman

Bespoke Artificial Cells and Tissues for Drug Discovery

SustainAgro Strengthening Economic Growth, Sustainability, and Innovation in Agriculture

I Prefer Not To Hito Steyerl in conversation

Structural Media

Structural Media

Structural Media

Corpses, Casts, and Copyrights Displaying Human Remains

Working the Image Exch W/ Turkers and Other Collective Experimentations

Sample Delivery Methods For In-Situ Studies and Serial Crystallography

Rise of Atmospheric Drought Integrating Across Scales and Disciplines to Boost Plant Resilience

Dense + Green Cities Architecture as Urban Ecosystem

Politics and Poetics of Exile by Didier Fassin

Brauchen wir kurze Bücher? (Do We Need Short Books?) mit Anke te Heesen, Valentin Groebner, David Hesse und Niki Rhyner

Radical Reading

Time to Socialize Does the Timing of Brain Development Predict Prosocial and Play Behavior?

Literatur und Recht in der römisch-griechischen Tradition Literature and Law in the Greco-Roman Tradition

(Re-)Searching for Resonances Contemporary Music at the Collegium

Francesca Melandri im Gespräch mit Zora del Buono

Futures Storytelling Workshop and Lecture with Kim Stanley Robinson

Hidden Deep Demystifying the Coca-Plant for Science and Beyond

How AI is Disrupting Developer Productivity It’s More Complicated Than We May Think

Epistemic Authority

Data Alchemy Observing Patterns from Galileo to Artificial Intelligence

Integrating Diverse Forms of Knowledge in Health Care Research

+/- 1632m: Disturbing the Swiss/African Commons

The Moral Underpinnings of Political Preferences An Interdisciplinary Approach

Die Orte, an denen meine Träume wohnen The Places Where My Dreams Live

The Tragic Case of Cleanliness–Styles (Logics, Worlds) in Tension Ludwik Fleck Lecture by Annemarie Mol

Metabolism Spiralling Out of Control

Building Blocks for Reuse Art, Ethics, and Engineering

Central Bank Digital Currencies

The Role of Technological Innovation in Environmental and Climate Policy How Can the Energy Transition Succeed?

Bubbles, Droplets, Membranes, and Interfaces Materials Science Meets Visual Arts

Einstein Shock The Making of a Global Celebrity

Rethinking Law beyond Linear Time and the Individual Subject

Rethinking Science in Times of Open Science?

Forests | An Evocation

Ethnography, Economy and Ecology of Pastoralism in Kazakhstan Capitalism and the Future of Central Eurasian Grasslands

Do We Write Differently after Artificial Intelligence? A conversation between Hannes Bajohr, Monika Rinck, and Ann Cotten

Crimea’s Polylinguism Reflections in World Literatures