Uncertainties in Extreme Weather Predictions
Understanding the dynamics of unpredictable systems like weather forecasting has been one of the most important as well as challenging problems in the environment, economy and society. From an environmental perspective, the rising global temperatures, melting glaciers, increasing sea levels, and more severe weather events disturb the ecosystems and influence biodiversity. From an economic perspective, severe weather events such as hurricanes, heatwaves, and floods affect agriculture, infrastructure and energy consumption. The verification, validation and uncertainty quantification (VVUQ) studies are crucial for achieving reliable and accurate results through high-fidelity multi-physics and multiscale modeling and simulations.
This project focuses on the VVUQ of weather and climate modeling and simulations on high-performance computing systems with an emphasis on visualizing extreme weather predictions. The primary goal of this project is to understand and develop accurate and efficient models for extreme weather simulations.