Collegium Helveticum

Mahdi Taiebat
Senior Fellow 2024–2025

Geotechnical engineering
Fellowship duration
February 01, 2025–May 31, 2025
Academic or artistic job title
Professor of Civil Engineering
Home institution

The University of British Columbia, CA


Institutional website
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Mahdi Taiebat earned his PhD from the University of California, Davis, USA, and his MSc and BSc from Sharif University of Technology (IR). His research focuses on modeling the mechanical behavior of geomaterials, integrating concepts from geotechnical engineering, mechanics, and computational sciences. His work spans theoretical and computational geomechanics, constitutive modeling of engineering materials, physics and mechanics of granular materials, and geotechnical earthquake engineering, addressing multidisciplinary challenges at the intersection of engineering, physics, and applied mathematics. He serves on the ISSMGE Technical Committees on Numerical Methods (TC103) and Earthquake (TC203), and the ASCE Technical Committee on Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics. Mahdi has served on the Editorial Boards of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Geotechnique Letters, and Soils and Foundations. His contributions have been recognized with the ASCE Norman Medal, the UC Davis Excellence in Geotechnical Engineering Award, and the NSERC Discovery Accelerator Award.