Collegium Helveticum

Russell Zanca
Senior Fellow 2022–2023

Social and cultural anthropology
Fellowship duration
February 01, 2023–April 30, 2023
Academic or artistic job title
Professor of Anthropology
Home institution

Northeastern Illinois University, US


Institutional website
Associated with

Russell Zanca is professor of anthropology at Northeastern Illinois University and an associate of the University of Chicago’s Center for East European, Russian/Eurasian Studies. His research focuses on pastoralism in Kazakhstan in the present, with emphasis on the interface between ecological imperatives and social-behavioral practices of dwindling livestock-centered populations.

As a senior fellow at the Collegium, Russell worked collaboratively to plan a long-term fieldwork project on Kazakhstan’s range lands, which will include contributions from biologists, ecologists, and geographers. With his research, he hopes to propose solutions drawn from ethnography that may benefit regional pastoral communities and ecosystems.